Meeting project objectives enables companies to achieve benefits and gain a greater competitive edge in the marketplace.

However, the fulfillment of these objectives today can be hindered by various issues, including higher than estimated costs, missed completion dates, incomplete functionalities, and a high level of de-motivation among the project team members. These obstacles may cause significant efficiency problems to companies.

Based on our expertise and analysis, at Briola & Co we believe that generally speaking, the projects that achieve their objectives in Argentina do not exceed 55%.

In this scenario, we wonder what are the reasons that prevent the achievement of the project objectives?

In general, such issues are not necessarily of a technical and/or operational nature, but may be caused by strategic and management issues. The following is a list of the problems we consider most relevant:

₋ Faults in passing on the Project Management culture.
₋ Lack of a comprehensive approach to projects
₋ Lack of training
₋ Lack of strategy
₋ Not clearly defined objectives
₋ Errors in communicating
₋ Lack of standards and indicators
₋ Failures in the project team
₋ Wrong or non existent planning
₋ Improper scope
₋ Incorrect estimation
₋ Improperly managed risks
₋ Lack of stakeholders

Although there is no single answer to the existing issues, and it will depend on each project and context in particular, companies must be well aware of their obstacles, detect the causes that create them, and make the appropriate corrections. Hence, it is important to adopt an organizational perspective on the practice of Project Management that provides insight beyond the specific problems of each project.

This perspective will allow organizations to evolve continuously while gaining efficiency and competitiveness.